Thursday, October 29, 2015

Styx part 8

I work because it is something I must do.  We are all created to accomplish a task in this universe and weather living or dead our souls cannot find peace until that task is completed.

We are here to learn, from the richest to the poorest, youngest to oldest this universe is a classroom to satiate our curiosity.  We all live for the adventure that our experiences present us with. No matter our motivations we seek answers to existence and ourselves.

I may rule the realm of the dead but I myself have never seen the glory of Heaven or the torment of Hell.  These concepts are alien to me and I must operate within the environment in which I am presented, just as humans must do the same.  I deal with the dead who are trapped by the horror or misery of their own action and experiences.  But whether it be days, centuries or millennia all will eventually depart from my realm.  

Hail to them who examine their own lives and live as thinkers constantly bettering themselves and working to contribute to the progress of the human species.  Always imagine how the outside observer looking in will see humans.  If you are ashamed to be visible to other species then you are not living to the true potential your species has.  If you hide your deeds in shame, then you are not moving forward.  Move forward and be great, or step backward and be annihilated.

There is no justification. Justification is an excuse for your sins, an attempt to make yourself feel better for the terrible things you do.  If you need to justify your actions or another's then rest assured what you have done or are doing is wrong.  There are whole sections of my realm dedicated to your perverse logic.  You cannot escape reality, it stalks you as I do and eventually it will overcome you. history will remember you as who you are not what you perceive yourself to be.

I dip my fingers in the Styx as I troll along contemplating the existence in which your species has found itself.  Every species lives and moves forward in an effort to make the lives of themselves and of their offspring better but humanity only serves themselves,  even your philanthropy is mostly inspired by greed.  There seems to be no true intention to help those you tell the world you try and help.  I say shame to all of you organizations for your false progression of humanity.  You pretend to be in favor of passion and empathy yet bury your head in the sands and close your pockets when the opportunity for true philanthropy presents itself.

My boat  is my whole world yet through my interaction with you dead I have gotten a good handle on the psyche of humanity.  I have never had a man or woman in my boat who was proud of their justification and greed, I have never heard one say that their life lived in arrogance and narcissism was a life well lived.  You will regret your actions of earth when you come to me.  I weep for you.

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