Friday, September 25, 2015

Live, Love, Hate

Live, Love, Hate,

My words, a barrage of bullets to the minds of others. What I say is more powerful than what I do.  I sit with nothing but a keyboard and coffee hoping to influence others who seek truth, wonder and mystery.  I want to love but I only hate.  I hate what I see, I hate what I don't see.  I want the truth to be spoken and the world to awaken and arise.  I want the age of the intellect to begin and the age of violence die.  My hatred is unlike the hatred that seethes in the soul of a racist or bigot, but a hatred for the ignorance that clouds the minds of the masses enthralling us with words to distract and redirect.  My hatred is for those who have used their intellect and power to harm the very people they are responsible to protect.  It is the responsibility of those with intelligence to help those without that strength, not take advantage of them, just as it is the responsibility of those with strength to protect the weak.  Each one of us is given a gift in life and it is important for us to discover that gift and use it for betterment of our species.  But when you use that gift to dominate your fellow man you have taken a precious gift and used it for your own gain not the gain of all.  

When you use your gifts for your own profit you are damaging the whole species for you are denying all of  certain lever of enlightenment that will bring us a step closer to our full potential.  We are a hive mind and with the invention of the internet that hive mind is beginning to realize its full potential, we are now connected in a way the world has never been before.  Voice that otherwise would never have been heard are now rising above the deafening noise of propaganda and getting to the ears of those that need to hear it.  For millennia  the human race had been controlled by a few voice at the top, whether it be clergy or government those have been the only true voices to make it to the masses but now is a new age where even the faintest voice can echo over the entirety of the globe and reach the ears of those most in need.  It is time we all understood the old ways cannot survive and we must embrace a new world, a world of information, a world of intellect, a world of true freedom.

A new world is emerging.  A utopia where voices can no longer  be silenced, where tyranny and violence can no long keep progress at bay.  It seems bleak right now I understand.  Governments and corporation are trying to control everything.  That is what people who fear progress and  loss of power do.  They try to control and manipulate.  They will fail.  The more you try to suppress something the louder it will become until it reaches the consciousnesses of the world.  We are about to enter a golden age of humanity where ideas and information can no longer be controlled manipulated or propagandized, a golden age where truth exposes the lies and deceit of those with everything to lose.  Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth, with the advent of the internet and new technologies the meek are rising and the powerful that have used their strengths and gifts  for their own gain we be met out a justice that is unprecedented in the history of the human race.  This is a new world and we are all lucky to be alive to see the dawn of it.  So rejoice my reader in the dawn of the new age.  The age of reason, the age of knowledge and the hope for a better future.

Gone will be the violence and divide of the masses and in its place will be established a world that pursues knowledge not power, a world where greed is condemned not celebrated. We stand on the precipice.  Do we have the will to step over the edge?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Man in the Wood part 2

I awoke cloaked in darkness so deep it wrapped about me like a wet blanket in the dankest cave.  I took a moment to gain my senses, I found my arms were not bound and my legs were free to move yet when I attempted to stand I found I could not sit up more than a few inches before my head hit cold wet stone.  It knocked my back down upon my back.  It took another moment for me to attempt moving again.  This time I used my hands and legs in an attempt to feel about my surroundings.  I reached to my left and right, both hands were met with stone resistance.  I reached above my head and was met with the same resistance.  My feet however touched no resistance and I found I was able to move by scooting my body.  I couldn’t turn around the prison in which I was confined was too narrow but slowly I was able to work myself along wherever it was I was trapped.

I moved along at an agonizingly slow pace, I met no resistance along the way but I could tell by the pain in my back that I was scraping the tender skin bloody and raw.  The stone I was inching along was anything but smooth.  I found a strength within myself I didn’t know I had and it pushed me to keep moving.  The will to survive is strong in a person when presented with a dire situation.

I moved unending and at one point I thought I would never reach the end.  “How had they even gotten me in here?”  I thought trying to keep my mind working.  At last I could feel a slight drop at the bottom of my feet.  I had reached an opening, I moved quicker trying to get myself free ignoring the scathing pain that had spread all across my back.  Finally I dropped from my prison onto a cool floor.  It was still pitch black and I could see nothing.

“Hello?”  My voice echoed around what I could only guess was a cavernous room.  I strained my ears to hear for any other sound than that of my own heartbeat but was met with only the sound of dripping water that anyone who was familiar with spelunking might hear.  I tried to gather myself.  I had free myself from a confined space but I knew this ordeal was far from over.  The little stump of a man had touched me and all had been dark.  “He brought me here? How?”  I thought.

I began to move forward away as far as I could tell from where I had been stowed away.  I decided it was best to crawl on my hands and knees so there would be less chance of deadly surprises like pitfalls or spikes.  I had to laugh inwardly at this thought, I never thought in this day and age I could be in such a situation I would have to keep aware of traps.  This was the 21st century and here I was abducted and thrown into a cubby in a cave.  I had heard the about the road of Bimini growing up but it had always been a legend, a story for kids and conspiracy nuts.  Bimini was the first road trod by man, it is said to span the entire surface of the earth and secretly leads to all cities lost in time.  It was a story like the fountain of youth or Atlantis, but yet I guess I had walked upon the road with no knowledge of what I was doing and am now paying the price.  Under any other circumstance I would be ecstatic and would not be able to wait to tell my friends Bimini was real.  But I took a walk in the wood and now I was fighting for my life for traveling on some supernatural forbidden highway. 

I crept along the cold stone floor feeling ahead for any surprises, I could hear the constant drip of the water and in the quiet I began to hear the scamper of rodents and bugs.  I inwardly prayed they would not find me in the darkness, I was deftly afraid of critters of any kind but my will to survive kept me from seeking safety.  I had to find a way out.  Something began to happen, as I looked at the floor all the sudden I began to be able to steadily make out what I was seeing.  I could see the cracks in the stone and my hands in front of me dirty and wet, they looked shriveled and grey from the damp of this place.  I looked up and in the distance a torch was visible, it looked so far away but it illuminated my surrounding just enough that I could see what lie ahead, it was a tall vaulted room with a solid floor with no traps visible,  I stood ignoring the pain in my knees and began to stumble toward the only light source.  Was it freedom, or death?

End part 2

Monday, September 21, 2015

Jack Isgar: I Never Knew Raine Fell part 6

I awoke to the ringing of the phone,  I thought I had unplugged the house phone to keep the incessant questions of reporters at bay.  I would get between fifteen and twenty calls an hour at one point before I couldn't take it any more and ripped the phone right out of the wall.  It took a moment to realize it was my cellphone I had forgotten to turn off when I had collapsed naked in bed.
“Hello?” I said meekly trying to pull myself awake.
“Emily!”  It was the voice of Father Grey, the urgency in his tone was enough to pull me to full attention.
“Yes Father?” I said.
“She’s gone, I don't know how, but the camera flickered for a moment and she was gone!  The hospital is on lockdown.  Be careful she may be coming home.  We have police on the way to your home now.  If she shows up try and stall her until they arrive.
I hung up the phone before anything else could be said.  I jumped out of bed and pulled my clothes on.  If she had truly escaped and made it home it could be a dangerous situation I could not be prepared for.  There is  no way I could handle this monster alone.  
As I moved from my room down the stairs I crept with cat like stealth trying desperately to make as little noise as possible, If she had somehow managed to get back here and into the house I didn't want her to surprise me and have me at a disadvantage.  I made it to the kitchen straining my ears to hear anything that might indicate I was not alone in the house.  I grabbed a knife out of the drawer and moved to the front door to check the locks and windows.  Even armed with a knife I felt terribly exposed and fearful.  How had she gotten out?  What was she?  If Father Grey was right my daughter’s mere existence would upset the spiritual consciousness of the world.  She was making no effort to hide herself or what she was from people now.  Was she just the beginning of more to come?  Was she the first in a wave of demons that would soon be walking the earth?  Would the good be safe from them or would they just go after anyone, like feral animals?
The door was still locked and the windows were intact.  I sighed in relief.  I could now hear the sirens in the distance of the approaching police cars,  I was safe.
I almost didn't hear it.  The noise was barely audible but distinct, the sound  of a blade scraping across metal.  My heartbeat jumped and sweat began to bead on my forehead as tears of fear began to well in my eyes.  She was here.  Behind me.  I closed my eyes, i didn't want to turn around.  I knew she was there. What to do?  Protection was still minutes away and she was here now.  I was dead. I could feel it in my heart, that sinking feeling you get when hope is lost and you have no control over what's about to happen next.  My daughter the demon was here, a blade in hand standing behind me.
I stood frozen at the front door. I could hear the sound of her feet approaching me, the almost inaudible sound a child can only make when moving across a carpeted floor.  She was moving toward me, I could not run, I could only turn and face my daughter.  It was a jarring sight, her 4’9 frame was swaying slightly back and forth in her demonic stance,  it was as if she were a zombie from a movie.  There, but not there.  her arms were relaxed at her side, the blade she had used to kill the pedophile in the basement held firmly in her left hand ready to strike.  her eyes were a bloodshot red, puffy with stress and lack of sleep.  Although the demon was in control the stresses on the human body of this child were all too evident.  She wasn’t looking at me.  She was focused on the ground.  She didn’t speak just stood there, my fear was all too great.  I didn't know what to do.  The knife dropped from her hand with a silent thud on the floor and before I knew what was happening she threw her arms around me and began to cry.  A child seeking comfort in her mother.  Instinctively I put my arms around this evil child.  What was I to do.  The sirens were outside the door now, armed men approaching.  What was I to do?
End part 6

The New Slavery

Slavery is alive and well in America, and we are the victims.

We are the unheard, the meek, the ones whose voices cannot reach the deafening decibels of the rich and powerful.  We wallow at their feet picking up the scraps they may choose to throw us.  We like to believe this is not the case but we are lying to ourselves.  We slave away barely able to support our families while the wealth gap grows ever wider.  We are constantly bombarded with propaganda of how we are the greatest nation on the face of the earth and the freedom we enjoy here is second to none.  But this is not true, we have more people in prison per capita than any nation on this planet.  Our obsession with politically correct behavior had erected a prison around the very idea of freedom of speech.  We are working hard to keep ourselves locked in a prison where the rich and powerful hold the keys.

We should celebrate the things that make us different in this nation, we should celebrate the hate, the love, the politically incorrect and the uncomfortable for this how a people and society truly advance, its not about trying not to offend any particular person or people but to be able to speak freely no matter who might be offended. By not forcing someone to hide their true feeling and thought we can truly analyze the health of a nation.

We are not looking for mere tolerance my friends but eventual acceptance of all diversity, opinions and peoples.  Acceptance is a good start but it can breed animosity, we must try and work to teach our children that all people are different, with their own opinions and philosophy's and moralities.    We have recreated the aristocracy and caste systems in America and whats worse we as a people have become content with it.  That is not the hallmark of a free society but the actions of a prison society under totalitarian rule.  If we want to change the upper echelon and re-stabilize society we must fix the base, the base is what creates the monsters and gives them the ability to stay in power.  Our violence and ignorance, our acceptance and obedience gives them reason to convince us of their necessity.

This society is not ruled by democratic law.  It is ruled by corporate law and corporate money, it is the responsibility of an advance people to root out corruption and free themselves.  But remember one thing, violence only promotes violence.  When violence is used to change a society the ones who win are most often more cruel and violent than those they replace.  It is important to use logic and thought to win back our freedom, we should not rely on greed and violence to change our society for that only creates more of the same.  If we can change society through peaceful mean and learn to recognize those hungry for power and money and prevent them from attaining those positions then we will truly be able to advance as a society.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Solomon's Game by Jack isgar

Dear Avid readers, here is a link to the book I wrote on Amazon.  It is my first attempt at writing. I hope you enjoy the story.  Right now I am working on another book that I will be releasing some chapter for.  So if your a follower to my blog I will make the chapter available for your reading pleasure.

Thank you all for your support!

Solomon's Game by Jack Isgar

Friday, September 18, 2015


Migration, the basic animal instinct that drives almost all species on the planet to move onto greener pastures when there environment is soured.  There is a mass migration going on in the world right now.  But it is not a migration of geese or butterflies but a migration of people, a mass exodus of people seeking better lives away from the violence, disparity and poverty of the places they would like to call home.

Every living thing on the planet has the right to seek happiness and we cannot blame these people for risking their lives to try and better the lives of themselves and those they love.  I feel for them on a grand scale and wish them luck wherever they may end up.

But we also have to look on the other side of this equation.  If there is a mass immigration of people from a third world country to a first world then it becomes the responsibility of that new country to shoulder the burden that these immigrants bring whether it be financial, medial or cultural.  When I see the activist stating their cases on boss sides I am left with one simple thought, it is a thought from a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson in his famous essay "Self Reliance"

 "Oh foolish philanthropist, they love afar is spite at home."
[abbreviated quote]
It makes me think that, yes we want to show compassion and generosity to these people but in doing so we forget about the people already in our own country we need to take care of.  We have our own poor, we have our own people living in violence and hunger.  Poverty and despair are rampant in every country yet we want to focus on the problems of other countries to deflect attention from the problems of our own.  While I do believe we need to extend aid to these people and help them in an way we can, I find it hard to grasp why we should shoulder the burden in our borders instead of fixing the problems within their own.  I know the argument of leaving the solidarity of a nation to its own devices, but haven't we been meddling in the affairs of other nations too much already?  Maybe we should begin to focus on meddling for the good of that nation instead of the corporate greed of America and Europe.  

I say fix our own problems before we shoulder the burden of more.

Monday, September 14, 2015

I Never Knew Raine Fell part 5

That night I lay in bed in the house of horrors my bed just feet over the carnage.  I had to step over blood stains set into the carpet just to get to my bed that once two people lay in, a deep embrace that conceived a demon.  I let the words of Father Grey play again and again in my mind.  I sat in a chair in my mind's eye as I lay in my bed  watching the cinema of memory play over and over again.  In the weeks since this nightmare had begun the numbness I felt had not waned.  I wondered if it would ever subside or would it go with me through my life, a constant unwanted companion following me forever beyond the grave.  I was the mother of the demon spawn.  I was the mother of evil incarnate and I had allowed that evil into the world.  Was it my fault?  Was I to believe the media?  I do not know.  I was forever lost.
I pulled the soft silken sheets around my body, I had entered the room and let my clothes fall to the floor my nudity a sense of freedom from the confining clothing I was expected to wear.  I just wanted to melt into the bed, to forget, just for a little while.  Maybe when I awoke all would be as it had been.
My daughter had not moved despite hours of my watchful vigilance.  It was very disturbing to see her sitting on the side of her bed not moving, not blinking.  Each meal that was left for her by the staff sat uneaten until removed.  A psychiatrist had gone into to attempt to talk to her.  That had not gone well.  He tried multiple techniques to try and coax her out of her trance but to no avail.  He had eventually made the mistake of getting to close to try and examine her.  He had to be removed from the room on a stretcher blood pouring from a gash on his neck where she had sunk her teeth.  She had moved in a moment, before he could blink she was upon him.  The scream he made was inhuman, the growling she emanated was haunting.  After that no one was allowed in the room without security and while in the room no one was allowed within five feet of her.  They had attempted to examine her by sedating her, that did not work either.  Nothing they tried had the power to sedate her, at one point she even laughed.  Her statuesque demeanor interrupted for a moment as she let out a demented chuckle.  A very unnerving noise, especially coming from a child.
All the while Father Grey watched the events unfold with avid curiosity. He had warned the hospital staff with my permission about the behavior they would face but they had laughed him off, they could not conceive of a child that could attack with such ferocity and violence.  I could tell it took great effort for him to suppress a smile when Raine had attacked the doctor.  I could sense it wasn't a smile of satisfaction but a smile of knowledge that now his words would be heeded by the staff.  By the end of that day Father Grey had the staff and the doctors eating out of his hand.  he was able to explain in masterful detail  Raine’s motivations and he was able to predict her behavior.  When the doctor made a call to the Vatican at the behest of Father Grey, he had come back face pale as though knowledge to big for a mere man had been passed on.  After that Father Grey and him had engaged in deep conversation about the philosophical implications of this experience.  I tuned out after a few minutes because I did not have the educational background to even begin to understand what they were talking about.
It had been my understanding that Father Grey was a Lutheran Minister, it amazed me that he would carry so much weight and respect with the Catholic church.  It was later revealed in the conversations between Father Grey and the doctor that he had studied at the Vatican and gotten to know many of the upper echelon of the archdiocese and in doing so had made many lasting friendships he could call upon when needed.
I wished when I awoke this would all be over.

End part 5

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Darkness, it falls and I rot.  The path of light before my eyes that appears as the world fades is nothing more than the false hope of a peaceful afterlife.  The demons dance and sing as the visions of Hell become clear and my skin begins to burn with a ferocity which no living man or woman could fathom.  It seers and burn in a never-ending pain that boils the flash and seers the soul.  Here there is no release of death to save me from the flames.  I am dead, and the demons will play.

My life was hard but there are no excuses made in the afterlife for the sins we commit.  They now our darkest secrets and our worst fears and they salivate for our flesh to nourish them.  We cannot hide our sins from those that see all and their delight with my arrival is the most divine of pleasures for them.  My sins have made my flesh all the sweeter,  in life it was the flesh of the innocent that piqued my desires but here it has become my flesh that has become a delicacy. It is a hunk of decadent sin that melts in the mouth of my tormentors.  

I have been splayed upon a table and apple in my mouth, displayed on the finest silver platter.  They sit in their chairs as if in a fine dining hall.  But they are not dressed as the aristocracy the dining hall would host in the mortal realm.  They are disgusting and foul creatures  with smoked and seared scaled skin grey and torn, bloody chunks missing.  The sickest smell of rot and decay wafting from there bodies.  Their mouths are twisted deformities with broken sharp little teeth rotted to the root.  There laugh is a mocking sound, shrill and frightening.

I am the dinner of these hideous things, I am the pleasures of their realm forever tormented, forever devoured by there sickness.  It is my punishment for  my sin, my recompense for the innocents that suffered by my hand.  I thought I was doing the work of God but I was lied to,  In my heart I knew the evil I was expressing but it was a fine wine to my soul making me drunk with the power I had over those with none.  I took advantage of the sick and the helpless and dined on silver with their hard work now I am the meal on the silver.  Forever tormented forever devoured.

We like to lie to ourselves to justify clearly evil actions and it is only now that I realize  there is no justification for the evil we inflict on others.

They begin to tear the flesh from my bones, there is no relief of faint or death, I feel every scrape across the bone, every tear of sinew, every tooth and nail digging into my flesh.  "This is my torment."  I say to myself over and over in my mind.  

My revelation is to late to save me,  This realization was always inside my as I lived but I ignored it.  I ignored my conscience, I ignored the feeling of evil clawing at my feet throughout my life waiting to pull me beneath the ground and dine upon me.  Do not fool yourself, if you commit sin you can feel the flames licking your feet but as you have grow into adulthood you have trained yourself to ignore the fire and the fear.  You convince yourself you are the good guy, you convince yourself there are good reasons for what you do, but your are lying and the only person you are damning is you.

I have damned myself, there is no one to blame but me. The meal has ended and my flesh returns.  The dinning will begin again soon.

I Never Knew Raine Fell part 4

I was stunned by what came out of his mouth next.  “I don't think there's anything wrong with your daughter per say.  It’s my belief that she's just operating within her nature.”

“I don't understand.”  I said meekly not sure I wanted to hear the rest of his opinion on my daughter.

“Well I know this may sound far fetched but seeing as how you have witnessed some rather gruesome stuff already I think it is within the realm of possibility that what i’m about to say next will not seem as insane to you as it would sound to a normal everyday person.”

I wasn't sure if I should have taken that as a compliment or not.
“Okay.”  he paused for a moment to gather his thoughts.  “Again this is going to sound insane, but it is my belief that what we’re seeing here is the manifestation of a true and utter demon.”
“What?”  I said in disbelief anger beginning to show behind my eyes.  “Yes. my daughter may be a monster but she is not some demon from hell.”
“The last thing I want to do is to offend you Emily, but the signs are all there and I think in your heart you know there is truth to what I’m saying here.” He sighed slightly, fidgeted in his seat then in a gesture of empathy put his hand softly on my shoulder making me shiver slightly from the gesture of kindness I had not recently been granted by the police or the community as a whole.  “There is something about your daughter that is far from normal, you see this, I see this, everyone sees this.  The question you have to then logically ask yourself is, Is this normal behavior for a child.  Asking this question a logical mind would then arrive at the conclusion that this is not only abnormal for a child of her age but beyond what a child of her age is capable of doing, she obviously had knowledge far beyond her years.”  
He then paused to let me mull this over in my mind for awhile.  I stared at my daughter on the monitor, she was sitting there motionless as if in another world, it was as if she were not there.  A machine that had been switched off for the moment until called upon to take action.  What he said was true.  Even if I could not believe what he was saying I knew it to be true in my heart.  This was not a human child.  This was a demon.

Father Grey sensed this and continued with his explanation.   “See the job of a demon is to tempt a soul to commit grievous misdeeds and then to send them to Hell.”  Everything your daughter has done have been the actions of an entity just doing what its instincts tell it to do, tempt and kill the evil souls.”

“Then why kill my husband and son, why?”  I said beginning to tear up.  “They were wonderful people, there was no evil or malice there.”
“Yes I know and this is where things get prickly.  A demon will blend in as best it can and attempt to hide its deeds from the populace so it will not be stopped from feeding its need to kill evil souls but if discovered it will do anything to evade capture, the fight or flight mode takes over like any animal and if someone gets in their way. Well.”  He lowered his head. “You saw for yourself what happens.”
“Why does she just sit there now?  She hasn't moved in days or even eaten, they told me they are ready to forcibly insert a feeding tube to keep her from starving.”
“I would, and have advised the hospital staff from forcing anything on her.  She will do irreparable harm to herself if she thinks she is being forced to capitulate to anyone,  the demon has been captured so now it will go into hibernation until an opportunity to strike presents itself.  I know it seems cruel but the only way to keep her alive is to let her starve.  Eventually hunger will win out and the beast will eat with a voracious appetite.”
Father Grey sounded so confident in his tone that I felt no need to ask a follow up question, looking again at the image of my daughter on the screen I could see that he was right.  She sat there still, motionless, staring into nothingness, but you could see her muscles were not relaxed she looked similar to a coiled snake prepared to strike.  My child was a viper waiting patiently for her prey.  The biggest question that remained in my mind still, was.  “Was she ever mine?  Was she ever the happy bubbling lovable child I knew?”  I hadn’t realized I had spoken that out loud until father Grey responded.
“She was at one point, and could have remained so if not triggered by something.  There was something that she experienced in her life that awoke the demon,  there was something that happened that a mind of a preteen girl could not understand or cope with and so the demon that slept inside awoke and took over.”
“But is she still in there somewhere?”  I sounded as though I were begging him.  “Can we get her back?  Can we bring back Raine?”
Father Grey then looked at me with solemn eyes.  “This may sound like a pun or play on words and I do apologize but the best words I can think of are this.  I have never known rain to fall toward heaven only away.”

Friday, September 11, 2015


Today we look back awash with the emotion of the past fourteen years and the realization that time has moved quickly since that day.  But on that day time stood still as a shocked nation waited with baited breath for the next attack.  It was a day of horror and tragedy that awakened a sleeping nation as to the real dangers that the rest of the world presented.  We had become so used to the relative peace we have luckily been afforded in this country that to see the brutality the rest of the world is forced to endure was an eye opener for us and for the first time in many years the national consciousness became aware of the barbarity the enemies of America wished to inflict upon us.

Many will say America deserved this tragedy for the foreign policies enacted by is in the middle eastern world.  But I say, there is no justification for action when the targets are innocents.  War is war and there will always be civilian casualties, that is just a part of the horror of war, but to specifically target civilians in order to attempt to terrorize the populace to do what you want is a devolution of humanity and a huge step back for the progression of the human race.  I understand that unfortunately there is sometimes a need for violence when all other methods have been exhausted but there is absolutely no justification for the barbarity of an attack on an innocent populace.  People just want to live there day to day live, there is no way to control the actions of an overbearing and tyrannical government.  If the attacks of 9/11 were an attempt to turn the people against there government for foreign policies, then that plan severely backfired.

I have no interest in the conspiracy theories surrounding this date.  I have heard them all and even if they are all true then there is nothing that can be done about it now, if we want a better nation then we have to work for it.  I want there to be a time when we can look back on the mistakes of the past and breath a collective sigh of relief that we no longer live in that world as we do when we think about the darkness of the middle ages we are relieved we no longer live in that kind of world.

Let us take of our collective intellectual arms and fight for a better world.  If other countries are  disgusted by our foreign policy then it is the responsibility of the people of this nation to out the people who made make this great nation a target and  elect those who would look out for the best interests of the people of the nation and not the best interests of the corporations or politicians.

My friends let us mark and celebrate this day as a day where we again have the chance to progress and not regress.  Let us look upon this day and learn from it, not allow it to fuel hatred and anti-Islamic sentiment.  Religion id not evil, but every religion has fanatics that corrupt the teaching of a religion and us it in their own struggle for power, at one point it was the Christians and the Jews, now it is the Muslims, in every religion the innocent far outweigh the guilty.  So let us protect the innocent by exposing the guilty so tragedies like 9/11 never happen again.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Man in the Wood part 1

Today I happened upon a man in the wood. He sat upon a stump, pipe in hand.  I asked him as to his business and he replied.  "My business is that of the wood, and you have trespassed in my realm."  He then jumped down from the stump.   He was a pile of a man short and fat with big red cheeks reminiscent of constant inebriation and a grey greasy beard that hung down to his belly.  "I am the keeper of the crossroads, you cannot pass without paying the toll."  To him I said. "I see no crossroad in this wood, no trail and no sign, how was I to know I was trespassing." To me he replied. This road is as old as time, all who live know the road of Bimini!" 

"Bimini?" I said aghast as the little man looked upon me with intense amusement and curiosity. "That road is a legend, a tale from mothers to their children whispered by the bedside at night in front of the glow of a warm fire.  Bimini does not exist!"  "It does!" the tiny man replied. "Your feet are treading the path at this moment."

I know not my exact emotions at that point, I only knew this realm I had wandered into was not a part of my world.  I took a moment to take in my surroundings, upon my stumbling through the wood I had not noticed how the forest had changed. There was now an ethereal glow to all plants large and small almost non-existent but there if one were to take notice. The greens seemed greener and more alive, the purples and reds and blues of the forest an the sky almost breathed with life.  Life I had never seen before, a life humans could not perceive, and interconnections that our species had lost or abandoned its link to.

I could here the sounds of the as if for the first time, there was a sweet scent on the wind blowing gently through the trees and the rays of the sun danced through the branches laying warming streaks across my skin.  It was a world unlike any other, I had stumbled upon the road of Bimini and although belief had left me acceptance engulfed me.  It was a feeling as though something instilled in each of our species from birth, the acceptance of this mythical place.

The fat little man had again perched himself on the stump amused at my daydream, as my mind listed lazily.  "Ahh!  Now you see my friend." He said.  "The world is not as it seems, it is sad how disconnected your species has become from the very thing that gave you life.  The mother of the earth has cut the umbilical cord and left you to fend for yourselves, bust every so often one of you stumbles upon the path of Bimini and I must confront the trespass."

I snapped back to my senses as the little man jumped from the decayed stump to approach me setting myself immediately on my guard.  "Trespass?" I questioned him.  "I had no idea, surely the punishment for such a crime will befit my ignorance.  I am truly sorry for my indiscretion." I said this with all the sincerity I could must in hopes this little creature would take pity on my unintended actions.

"Is it mercy your lookin' for my friend?  I am saddened to inform you mercy is not something I can grant for such a trespass."  And with that remark he reached his gnarled and calloused hand upon me and all grew dark.

End Part 1

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Separation of Church and State

A county clerk was arrested sent to jail for practicing her faith.  It is sad she does not understand the difference in the separation of church and state.  She is an employee of the government whose job it is to follow the law.  No matter what her personal beliefs, the workplace is not an atmosphere to practice your faith especially if it is harming others.  If she really had such a problem with gays getting married then she should have quit the job in protest instead of sullying the name of her office and other employees.

I always find it fascinating that Christians seem to only follow the rules that appeal to them and ignore the ones that may be detrimental to their well being.  If they truly followed the Bible then they would stick to it with enthusiasm for all its laws and not just cherry pick those that allign with their moral compass.  This is not about religion for them its about power and control.  Its about giving yourself some sort of moral high ground over others, a way to look down on others to make your own life seem better by comparison.

This woman was married four times and since she quote on quote found Jesus it gives her the opportunity to lord her newfound morality over those she deems to be without morals.  Degenerate.  by her discrimination she gains back the power she feels she lost during her previous life of sin.  But the question I have.  Is following your heart a sin.  If you are a consenting adult and you join your love and your life with another consenting adult so you really think an omnipotent and wise God would care what the gender of two people who truly love each other are?  Is morality of man true morality or a scheme of a power hierarchy?  Do we invent morality as a way of lording over others?

We must ask ourselves if there is any inherent right in mankind to exercise our morality onto those who do not share it.  Life is short and we expel too much energy attempting to control our environment.

I propose an alternate viewpoint.  Allow all individuals to live their own lives how they see fit if they are harming no one then no one should judge or lord over them.  It is not the responsibility of one individual to tell another individual how to live or love.  True love is a rare thing in this world and we should not feel shame or shame others for seeking what the heart wants.