Friday, September 25, 2015

Live, Love, Hate

Live, Love, Hate,

My words, a barrage of bullets to the minds of others. What I say is more powerful than what I do.  I sit with nothing but a keyboard and coffee hoping to influence others who seek truth, wonder and mystery.  I want to love but I only hate.  I hate what I see, I hate what I don't see.  I want the truth to be spoken and the world to awaken and arise.  I want the age of the intellect to begin and the age of violence die.  My hatred is unlike the hatred that seethes in the soul of a racist or bigot, but a hatred for the ignorance that clouds the minds of the masses enthralling us with words to distract and redirect.  My hatred is for those who have used their intellect and power to harm the very people they are responsible to protect.  It is the responsibility of those with intelligence to help those without that strength, not take advantage of them, just as it is the responsibility of those with strength to protect the weak.  Each one of us is given a gift in life and it is important for us to discover that gift and use it for betterment of our species.  But when you use that gift to dominate your fellow man you have taken a precious gift and used it for your own gain not the gain of all.  

When you use your gifts for your own profit you are damaging the whole species for you are denying all of  certain lever of enlightenment that will bring us a step closer to our full potential.  We are a hive mind and with the invention of the internet that hive mind is beginning to realize its full potential, we are now connected in a way the world has never been before.  Voice that otherwise would never have been heard are now rising above the deafening noise of propaganda and getting to the ears of those that need to hear it.  For millennia  the human race had been controlled by a few voice at the top, whether it be clergy or government those have been the only true voices to make it to the masses but now is a new age where even the faintest voice can echo over the entirety of the globe and reach the ears of those most in need.  It is time we all understood the old ways cannot survive and we must embrace a new world, a world of information, a world of intellect, a world of true freedom.

A new world is emerging.  A utopia where voices can no longer  be silenced, where tyranny and violence can no long keep progress at bay.  It seems bleak right now I understand.  Governments and corporation are trying to control everything.  That is what people who fear progress and  loss of power do.  They try to control and manipulate.  They will fail.  The more you try to suppress something the louder it will become until it reaches the consciousnesses of the world.  We are about to enter a golden age of humanity where ideas and information can no longer be controlled manipulated or propagandized, a golden age where truth exposes the lies and deceit of those with everything to lose.  Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth, with the advent of the internet and new technologies the meek are rising and the powerful that have used their strengths and gifts  for their own gain we be met out a justice that is unprecedented in the history of the human race.  This is a new world and we are all lucky to be alive to see the dawn of it.  So rejoice my reader in the dawn of the new age.  The age of reason, the age of knowledge and the hope for a better future.

Gone will be the violence and divide of the masses and in its place will be established a world that pursues knowledge not power, a world where greed is condemned not celebrated. We stand on the precipice.  Do we have the will to step over the edge?

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