Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Devils Advocate

I was talking to my father today about several different issues including the things that are going on in our country as of late.  While speaking to him I began to realize just how conservative my father is.  I had  at that point a new understanding of how the elite must think of us.  From my conversation with him it would seem as though hes willing to give up all the freedoms that we enjoy as a people in order to feel safer.  I never thought my father of all people would subscribe to this way of thinking.

I asked him several questions that he should have easily had the answer to, but instead of independent thought he spouted the media propaganda word for word.  It saddened me to see that my father was just another lemming hurtling endlessly toward the cliff.  I always thought that the man I had grown up knowing would care about the horrible things that are going on in this country.  It was almost horrifying to see that not only did my father not deny the tyranny that is happening in America, he was on board with it and even hailed the efforts of the government.  He even spoke about how the rich are paying more than their fair and should be given more breaks.  It is saddening to see the elitist attitude my father has adopted over the years and I think that after that conversation with him an respect I had had for him was gone.

After my conversation with him ended I sat down and decided that if I was to argue my point then I should understand why someone I had respected as much as my father would have such an elitist view of the world. I needed to see things from his point of view and understand why he felt the things that he did.  As a student of the world it would be incredibly myopic of me to just stick to my views without exploring others,  A person who is so pigheaded they can not entertain for even a moment the motivations or opinions of others is no more than a child crying for a cookie.

So I have spend the last few days thinking about all the things that are happening in America.  Unfortunately upon examination of other culture this type of tyranny seems to be a natural progression of a nation, it just seems as though man does not learn from history and only seeks to sustain his dominion over others.  But i thought could something that seems so bad on the surface actually prove beneficial to all America?  (to be continued)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hello World, Lets Begin Anew

This blog will focus on the actual events currently taking place in America and the world at large. The purpose of this work is to broadly look at the world in which we as a species are lucky enough to occupy. We as a country need to work out a solution for the future or we will watch as our future slips through our hands like sand.

At times this blog may seem to be anti-government and at times I may be accused of being a propagandist. I am ok with either view, but I ask you as you read my works to research my claims for yourself. Understand why we must change the future before it is lost to us. I do not accuse but prod. Let us work together to bring about a better country, America should be a shining beacon for the rest of the world. An example of compassion and sacrifice that spreads like a wave across the face of the Earth.

We have come to a crossroads and whatever road we choose to take will be how future generations will judge us. It is time to create and maintain an open conversation. We must work together as a people and a government to show the world that democracy and free capitalism can work. We must evolve. Creatures that do not evolve become stagnant. We as a species are in danger of becoming stagnant

First Blog Entry of
Jack Isgar.
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