Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Bondage and Submission of America to the Elite Class

What are we as a species? Are we just a society that capitulates to an overbearing tyranny, like a wolf displaying submission? Do we just follow the pack? Rebellion is a common human trait.  Many of us rebel against what we see as wrong or against our constitution.  But where is the rebellion, why have we placated ourselves to unfair and unjust systems?  We have become apathetic to the truth and allow ourselves to be swayed by propaganda.  Why?

What is rebellion?  And what is freedom?  Can any of us say we honestly know.  Can we recite the true meaning of the words or just the dictionary definitions? Do we know the importance of those words? This is a question I have asked myself on multiple occasions when I view the news.  I see so many willing and eager to surrender their rights for safety I wonder if they understand the long-term repercussions of their actions.  

Over the past few years I have witnessed many acts of violence on American soil, each one a tragedy, each one an act of barbarity.  Could these acts have been prevented? Maybe. But how much privacy and freedom must we give up to prevent random acts of savagery.  Is the idea that these acts can be prevented a pipe dream?  I find that the more freedoms we surrender in the pursuit of security the less secure we are.  We are more in bondage as a nation now than we have ever been in our entire history, yet we experience more tragedy and fear than most generations before us. We live our lives in day to day terror waiting for the next horror to occur.  Is that life? Or have we just become sheep, slaves to the shepherd?  I ask, if this is the safety our government had promised would we call them liars?  Would we drag them from their podiums into the streets and proceed to tar and feather them for all the world to see?

Although that would be a very comical sight, I believe that violence only begets violence.  To tear them from their seats of power would only prove that we are them and they are us.  We are better than them.  We must prove it.  We must stand up for what is right and tear them to pieces with words and political actions.  If you truly want to destroy and shame them, then beat them at their own game.

We allow corporatism and greed to rule our society pardoning the worst offenders to the financial stability of our society and allowing them to hide their taxes from the people it is owed.  If any standard American were to commit this crime we would be thrown in jail, so why aren't they?  We have to slam our fist on the table and demand an end to the double standard and justice systems that separate  the wealthy from the poor.  Having more money than your fellow man does not earn you special treatment in the criminal justice system.  We as a people cannot afford this double standard that allows us to be railroaded through a corrupt and broken system while enduring the horrors of a debtors prison.

We must demand an end to the deceit, we must demand an end to the injustice that separates the classes in this country.  Are we not equal?  Accruing or having wealth does not make you a better person or a higher class of person.  We are all equal and should be held to the same standards.  Is this a pipe dream? I pray not.

My friends I urge you to stand, to abandon apathy, to abandon this separation of the classes and justice.  I beg you to open you eyes and look for the true motivations and agendas of those we allow to govern us, I am confident if we do this we will discover the last thing these people have is our best interests in mind.

I leave you with this.  Remove the blinders, Awaken and arise.  Demand better of those who govern us.  Hold them to the same standards they hold us.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Fat Shaming Update

I regret that i have neglected to keep my readers informed s to my progress towards weight loss.  I began my journey at 340 lbs.  I currently weigh 325 lbs and have recently bought a pedal cycle to get a good degree of exercise in a day.  It was only $30 but is a great way to get exercise for a person that may have difficulty moving about.  Since I began a workout regime I have become more mobile and feel much more energetic I try to workout for at least 1 hour daily but most of the time ending up doing 2 hours because I watch television while I work out and lose track of time.  It feels very good to become more active.  I do hope I will be able to maintain the motivation to keep to my diet and exercise schedule.

I do have to admit that the allure of food has power over me but I try and replace my gluttonous habits with more healthy alternatives and in doing so I am able to take in far less calories and thus keep to a 1500 calorie a day diet.  I try and gorge myself on fruits and vegetables.  I say gorge but i average about a plate of these choices daily with soup for dinner and coffee or water to keep my appetite at bay.  I would love to tell you how easy it is to make these lifestyle choice but it is difficult to change a routine weather it be exercise or dining.  But my motivation increases daily as these things become part of my daily routine and as time passes it become easier and easier to stick to my goals.

I confess that sometimes I slip and have the occasional pastry or bowl of ice cream, I am partial to burgers and fries as well.  So I have picked one cheat day a week.  I have chosen Sunday, on this day I can have one meal during that day consisting of whatever I want.  It helps me stick to my regime if I know that one day a week I can eat whatever I like.  

I hope this post finds all of my readers well.  I hope in my time posting my thoughts I have been able to inspire at least one person.  I hope that one day I will be able to  look back on my life and see that I have made a positive contribution to mankind.  We all have been given the gift of life.  What we choose to do with it remains our choice, so I urge you all to go out and make choices that will aid your fellow man.  Do not sacrifice for your fellow man for sacrifice is always damaging to at least one of two parties.  I urge you to share.  Knowledge, wisdom, love.  These are the true riches of the world and something worth the effort.  I leave you now my friends to your day and I to mine.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


We sit. What are we as a species? Are we just a society that capitulate to an overbearing tyranny, like a wold displaying submission? Do we just follow the pack? Rebellion is a common human trait.  Many of us rebel against what we see as wrong or against our constitution.

What is rebellion?  And what is freedom?  Can any of us say we honestly know.  Can we recite the true meaning of the words or just the dictionary definitions? Do we know the importance of those words? This is a question I have asked myself on multiple occasions when I view the news.  I see so many willing and eager to surrender their rights for safety I wonder if they understand the long-term repercussions of their actions. 

Over the past few years I have witnessed many acts of violence on American soil, each one a tragedy, each one an act of barbarity.  Could these acts have been prevented? Maybe? But how much privacy and freedom must we give up to prevent random acts of savagery.  Is the idea that these acts can be prevented a pipe dream?  I find that the more freedoms we surrender in the pursuit of security the less secure we are.  We are more in bondage as a nation now than we have ever been in our history, yet we experience more tragedy and fear than most generation before us. We live our lives in day to day terror waiting for the next horror to occur.  Is that life? Or have we just become sheep, slaves to the shepherd?

Our leaders ask us to trust then while they rape us. Is this just?  We try and usr the system to hold them responsible for their crimes yet the system is rigged and we are its victims.  Elitism sits above us thumbing their noses at us while we suffer under their cruelty.  They control our economy promising a trickle down system of wealth but all we receive in the end is crumbs, barely enough to survive.  We are indentured servants to our elitist masters yet we act as though we are free. Are we?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Angel Sati Introduction


I dream.

I dream of a life that is free from stress and dismay.  I have worked hard on many things and received little fanfare for my effort.  I would like to say this had dissuaded me from my pursuits, but to be honest it has only motivated me to work harder to attain my goals.  My life has not been easy but I thank god everyday for the numerous opportunities that have been afforded to me.  I grew up with good providers and I never knew a day of hunger or poverty in my youth.  I was arrogant and didn't understand the plight of the rest of the world.  I became lazy and gluttonous for the life i lived.  It wasn't until I was out on my own did the reality of the world invade the borders of my perceived existence.  I realized then what poverty and hunger meant.  To not know where the next meal would come from and the humiliation of asking for handouts.   A person should never get used to welfare,  although not shameful for those who truly need it, it is a genuine source of shame for those who are too slothful to provide for themselves.

In my maturity and manhood I now understand the importance of hard work and setting the goals to provide for your future.  For the longest time I meandered through my life having no idea what I wanted to do and hoping answers would just be given like the food and shelter I was given as a child.  But my answers didn't come and for the first time I realized I would have to give serious thought to what I wanted from life.  I wasted so much time wondering how to live my life and what to do I hadn't realized that my life was passing me by and leaving me in a trail of my own slothful dust.  Now I know what I want to do and have begun working very hard to achieve the dreams that I have.  I never imagined this would be the path my life took but I am thankful I finally have a direction to move toward and I meander no longer.

But I cannot take credit for my motivation alone,  I must acknowledge my parents and my wife for the belief they have in my and the confidence I have recieved from their support.  I tank them for their trust and love.