Thursday, March 17, 2016

(Journal) The Doubts Within

I have as of late begun to doubt myself and my path in life.  I have found myself at a crossroads and no path seems to be less traveled.  I have been told I have taken on too much responsibility, given too much away and taken too much weight upon my shoulders.  I am starting to see the clarity of their observation.  I now have to ask myself when enough will be enough.  Can I continue along this path or will it ultimately lead to my demise?

I enjoy my writing, I enjoy telling a story and giving my readers a sense of wonder.  But I have to ask myself is all that I do ultimately worth it.  I have begun to take on several more side projects other than my writing and have given a significant portion of my lively hood away to those in need.  I have opened my home to family and friends and received little in return.  I am a good man or a sucker?  I have to ask these questions fore they have be plaguing me for months now and my health had suffered as a consequence of the action I have taken.

If you are an avid reader of my site then you have surely noticed a drop in my production and I must apologize for my tardiness in producing new material for you my readers.  When life piles to heavily upon you many things suffer as a result and you are forced to take a step back and examine the result of the decisions you have made.

This entry is more of a journal on my thoughts than anything else and I apologize to any who read who may feel that I am feeling sorry for myself.  I pray you will not judge me too harshly.  I will begin producing again starting this week and have already began work on the next installment of "I Never Knew Raine Fell"  a story which seems to garner lots of fan attention.  I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it.

To my fans I thank you for all you have done for me, your avid readership has been a light in the darkness and I am so grateful to the many supporters who have left kind words of encouragement to me over the last year I have been writing.  Thank you all for being my fans and thank you for your support.

Jack Isgar

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