Thursday, December 18, 2014


I have to say the disappointment I feel at Sony backing down to terroristic threats is a sad day to be an American, I thought the admittance of the CIA torture program was low enough but we seem as a nation to continue to bow to threats from foreign influences.  Scraping the bottom of the barrel seems to be the new practice of the American people.  If it is not the increasing aggression of the police state, the erosion of our god given rights, or the greed of corporate entities our nation is tearing itself apart with self-censorship.  When did we become a nation controlled by fear and cowardice?  When did we stop believing in the rights we were granted by the creator and instead give them up for some sense of false security?

                We as a nation have lost our way, we have lost the rebel mentality that led this nation to be the most accomplished nation in the history of the world.  Our spirit and ingenuity led the world and inspired millions to succeed in advancing the human race by thousands of years in a few short decades.  Now we seem to lead the pack in fear mongering and apologies.  We bow to any foreign threat and treat our own citizens as the enemy.  Is this where we have elevated ourselves to?  We allow the rich and powerful to dictate to the poorest and weakest of our citizens.  Power in this country is in the hands of those least deserving of that power.

                I would like to see a world where judgment is brought to bear on those that would use their power to take advantage of those less fortunate than themselves.  I feel we are standing at the precipice of a new golden age where humanity will advance beyond the lust for greed and power and embrace the desire for knowledge.  We will evolve one day, I hope that day will come while I still walk this earth.

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