Monday, September 21, 2015

The New Slavery

Slavery is alive and well in America, and we are the victims.

We are the unheard, the meek, the ones whose voices cannot reach the deafening decibels of the rich and powerful.  We wallow at their feet picking up the scraps they may choose to throw us.  We like to believe this is not the case but we are lying to ourselves.  We slave away barely able to support our families while the wealth gap grows ever wider.  We are constantly bombarded with propaganda of how we are the greatest nation on the face of the earth and the freedom we enjoy here is second to none.  But this is not true, we have more people in prison per capita than any nation on this planet.  Our obsession with politically correct behavior had erected a prison around the very idea of freedom of speech.  We are working hard to keep ourselves locked in a prison where the rich and powerful hold the keys.

We should celebrate the things that make us different in this nation, we should celebrate the hate, the love, the politically incorrect and the uncomfortable for this how a people and society truly advance, its not about trying not to offend any particular person or people but to be able to speak freely no matter who might be offended. By not forcing someone to hide their true feeling and thought we can truly analyze the health of a nation.

We are not looking for mere tolerance my friends but eventual acceptance of all diversity, opinions and peoples.  Acceptance is a good start but it can breed animosity, we must try and work to teach our children that all people are different, with their own opinions and philosophy's and moralities.    We have recreated the aristocracy and caste systems in America and whats worse we as a people have become content with it.  That is not the hallmark of a free society but the actions of a prison society under totalitarian rule.  If we want to change the upper echelon and re-stabilize society we must fix the base, the base is what creates the monsters and gives them the ability to stay in power.  Our violence and ignorance, our acceptance and obedience gives them reason to convince us of their necessity.

This society is not ruled by democratic law.  It is ruled by corporate law and corporate money, it is the responsibility of an advance people to root out corruption and free themselves.  But remember one thing, violence only promotes violence.  When violence is used to change a society the ones who win are most often more cruel and violent than those they replace.  It is important to use logic and thought to win back our freedom, we should not rely on greed and violence to change our society for that only creates more of the same.  If we can change society through peaceful mean and learn to recognize those hungry for power and money and prevent them from attaining those positions then we will truly be able to advance as a society.

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